Saturday, May 2, 2009

California makes me appreciate Boulder

Oh boy what I wouldn't give for another weekend in Boulder. I can picture it, a trip to Whole Foods for breakfast and coffee, taking Mariana to the park for a bike ride, followed by a movie at the theaters and finally dinner at say.... Turley's. But let me tell you, all those things would be empty without you and Mariana. Boulder was Boulder because of you, not because of Boulder.

That said, today as the business and the responsibilities of finding a house come to a close, I sit in silent solitude, contemplating you and my baby daughter. I can't wait to see you, and I hope you don't think that's an idle thing I'm saying, I literally can't wait. I will be one happy, happy man, flying home this coming weekend!

So what can I say about the places I saw? Meh. That's the overall word. Meh. So perhaps California is the best place in the world to live. For sure, there's millions of immigrants and is the heaviest populated American city, but from what I gather, the beautiful life is only up for grabs if you have the big bucks. The Venice canals and so many beautiful areas of Santa Monica seemingly are in areas with the worst schools. Ugh, what a blow. How can such a beautiful and wealthy area carry such little value for a valuable, quality education. Perhaps another testement to our long term goal of moving to Europe for Mariana's education, and I suppose I'm on the right track for that.

Past that, overall I guess I'm pretty happy, or about as happy as you could be without the fabric of your genuine happiness. So I guess a ghost lives in this apartment, a lost wanderer, searching for nothing, as the greatest possession is already won, it's just a thousand miles away. This ghost moves about this hustling and bustling city, alone, in spirit and in fulfillment. Perhaps California will truly be the magical city it's labeled as as soon as it's dazzled with the joyous faces of my two girls.

You're loving and dedicated hubby, signing off and blowing you long traveling blowed kisses.


Megan said...

While we definitely got the easier end of this bargain, having each other, it doesn't make us miss you any less. You are constantly the topic of our conversation or included in the conversation we are having. Each day is spent getting through each moment looking forward to the next that I can see you. I love you, Jed.

Mariana said...

I thought it was just great, daddy. Me and mommy miss you very much. And now that I read what you typed, I know that you miss me more than myself. I think about you every day everywhere. Especially in school, and as I wait for the moment we go to pick you up from the airport I push in my seat, just thinking of the moment I last saw you when me and mommy dropped you off. You've been an amazing dad and person in your whole life. For you are a great person everyday when you go to work, and a great dad when you used to always hug me and when you do, you wrap me in a blanket of love.
Your beloved daughter,